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Cultural Adaptability Profile

Measure Cultural Adaptability

Equip your managers, global mobility team, facilitators, and employees with the skills to swiftly identify those likely to succeed in unfamiliar contexts and to target specific areas for improvement to enhance success.

The Cultural Adaptability Profile (CAP) is a scientifically validated assessment tool designed to estimate how well an individual can cope in unfamiliar cultural settings. It measures key personality traits that predict cultural adaptability, helping professionals thrive in diverse environments.

For global mobility teams, the CAP is invaluable. It ensures employees are better prepared for international assignments by:

  • Predicting potential cultural challenges and emotional responses.
  • Identifying areas for targeted coaching and development.
  • Enhancing overall effectiveness in cross-cultural interactions.

By leveraging the CAP, global mobility teams can reduce the risks of cultural misalignment and improve the success rates of international assignments.

The CAP can be added to any of our packages, contact us for more information. 


The CAP identifies gaps between an individual's personality and the cultural norms of their new environment. By highlighting these gaps, the CAP aids in tailoring coaching and training programs to enhance cultural adaptability.

What does the CAP include: 

  1. Assessment: Participants complete a 66-item questionnaire based on the Five-Factor Model of personality.
  2. Report: Each participant receives a detailed CAP Report and an Individual Action Plan.
  3. Development: Facilitators use the CAP Report to guide ongoing coaching sessions, focusing on improving cultural adaptability.

The report is currently available in English, German, and French. It is possible to add additional languages if needed.

Contact us

Would you like to discuss this further? Or is this programme not what you were looking for? Do not hesitate to contact us.